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Friday, February 18, 2011

Cycle of fourths


Today let's talk about the cycle of fourths (or fifths). It is a figure that helps us understand the relationship between the twelve tones of the chromatic scale.

Starting from any note (we choose C to simplify), it is possible to run through the whole chromatic scale going up fourths (clockwise) or down fifths (anti-clockwise). This cycle is often shown differently(going up fifths in a clockwise motion). But as ascending fourths are found everywhere in jazz tunes (and in music in general; it's like a gravitational energy) let's learn it this way.

This circle is useful:
-To know the key signature of any tonality (sharps and flats)
-To get used to the ascending fourths motion

It is important to practice any scale, arpeggio, chord, phrase in every key following this circle! This gives you a better understanding and flexibility in any key.

N.B. : in the chromatic scale, there is no semitone between B-C and E-F, hence the absence of E#, Fb, Cb or B# keys.

Have fun!

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